IF Yer kin, yer in!
Out in the sticks of Cryptoville, Billy's out workin' the fields. Inspired by his cuz'n Cletus, cuz'n Candy, and his cuz'n Duke, he's carved out his own niche down on Solana, famed for his tradin' know-how and quick dealin'

Total supply


LP Locked

0% Tax



1. Create a wallet
Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension.
2. Get some sol
Have sol in your wallet to switch to $BILLY. If you don’t have any sol, you can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.
3. Buy Billy
Use Raydium, Jupiter or using Bonk Bot to buy $BILLY using the contract address: DbHMLNeACDwkX6ewhb9fe7QyBiekGZfig459EfmpUZag
4. Welcome to the family Cuzn
Yer now holdin' some mighty fine Billy coins in yer digital wallet. Sit back, hitch yer wagon, and get ready for a hootin’ good ride
Well looky here, cuz'ns! Y'all come right on in!